Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Die Wartezeit [the waiting period]

Three weeks to go. It still hasn't really sunk in and still feels quite surreal. This post isn't going to be very long, simply because I'm still in Billings. But I wanted to warm up the blogger within (I've done many things online, but blogging is not one of them). We'll see how this project comes along. My intent is to write a weekly post once I get to Germany as a way not only to journal the adventure for myself, but, more importantly, to keep my friends, family and whoever else feels like procrastinating updated.

Like I said, I have exactly three weeks until I jet off. A huge relief accompanies this milestone: I finally found a WG [WG is short for Wohngemeinschaft, which means "shared-living community" or "flat share"; see, you'll also learn some German in this blog ;) ]. And not just any WG, but the one I wanted most--furnished, good location, great price, with German roommates. I've met my future roommates (two college students) via Skype/ Facebook, and I can't wait to share my adventure with them.

I could write a whole lot more, but I'll save that for later. For now, I'll get back to substitute teaching. Playing fourth grade teacher this week: man, fourth graders are chatty and love to tattletale!

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